This quote inspires me to be confident so I can continue to move forward. Change can be scary, but it’s the only path to growth.
I came upon a passage in Mark 4:40 and felt challenged. It’s when Jesus is in the boat with disciples in the middle of a storm and they are terrified. He says, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Ouch!
I’ve often wondered why didn’t the disciples “get it?” They witnessed Jesus performing incredible miracles, and yet they still faced fear, even in His presence. In my 50, er, years of life, I’ve watched God do amazing things. The blessings of breath, laughter, love, and the beauty of creation are just a few. Yet, I can still feel unsteady moving into a new season. So, my prayer today is: “Lord, please fill me with the confidence that You continue to direct my steps. Help me when I stumble in doubt. Give me the boldness to keep sticking my neck out and moving forward into what You have for me to do.” Amen. 🐢
