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Writer's pictureDawn Wallis

Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist

I'm a recovering perfectionist. So, this quote by John Steinbeck encourages my heart.

At the end of last year, I was thrilled to find out that I was a finalist in the ACFW First Impressions contest. But learning that I wasn't the winner in my category, was deflating, to be honest.

On the heels of that, I began a scheduled re-write and edit of my novel so I would be prepared to work with a writing coach this month. My goal was to have this process completed before January 1. Yet, here I am only halfway through.

I have wrestled with doubt and frustration as I work to sharpen my dialogue and raise the stakes for my main character. I want to tighten my plot and be as close to perfect as possible before presenting it to this coach.

Last night I found out that the person I have planned to work with as a coach will not be available until the spring. To me, this is no coincidence. I believe the Lord desires to use this additional time to help me come to terms with the fact that what I present to her doesn't have to be perfect. All I can do is my best with the tools and experience I possess. I am incapable of being a perfect writer, but I can be a good one. So, I will continue to give myself grace to be good over perfect and re-write my story to the best of my ability.

Lord, help all of my efforts be rooted in wholehearted commitment to You. I don't want to be driven by selfish ambition and pride that manifests in perfectionism. Be glorified in me and through the work of my hands. Amen.

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