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  • Writer's pictureDawn Wallis

No Noodles Needed

I've been camped out in the book of Proverbs since last week seeking God's direction on a couple of choices—specifically regarding my writing and how it intersects with my day job. I keep putting off a decision because I've been waiting to hear back from an agent who requested my full manuscript with a proposal. My mind has been rocking back and forth for the past five weeks waiting to hear either, "Yes, I want to represent you," or "No, it's not right for me." Receiving direction will help me plan the next course to set sail.

However, sometimes the Lord calls us to exercise our faith and get out of the boat. Since yesterday, I have felt that perhaps I am looking for a pool noodle as security (no offense to the agent), but the Lord is calling me to walk across the water of uncertainty to Him. No noodles. No life rafts. Just Him.

So, my prayer for today is, Lord, please make me brave. Fill my heart with courage to be obedient. Let my steps be established as I walk in Your ways and seek to glorify You in everything. Amen.

Update: Since I wrote this post, I have stepped out in faith to transition into a part-time role with my current job. This will allow me the time to continue to pursue new writing projects while continuing to have an income. Know what's even better? It was my employer's idea. Not something I concocted or schemed. And while he isn't walking with the Lord, I feel certain my light is shining bright. God is good!

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