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  • Writer's pictureDawn Wallis

Exciting Opportunity!

I recently pitched my manuscript to a literary agent that I have researched and prayed about querying for the past two years. I wanted to pitch to this particular agent because I believed and still believe she would be a wonderful fit for me.

But let me back up. Originally, I was supposed to work with a writing coach beginning in January of this year. I was counting on those sessions to help prepare me for this pitch opportunity. However the coach had to postpone due to various commitments. Since the coach fell through I've continued to read books and watch webinars to better understand the art of editing. With all of the information I gleaned, I began the process of developmental editing. Now this is the seventh edit on this novel, but I believe each draft has gotten better as I continue to learn from experts in the craft.

In early February, I started another round of editing by listening to Siri read my entire novel. This was a new experience for me. All along, I took copious notes on places that needed attention. After listening to her read the first time, I made changes. As she read again, I listened and made notations. And I made additional tweaks.

All of this culminated in speaking with this agent, over Zoom, and receiving a request to send her my entire manuscript and book proposal. Somewhere along the way, I read or heard that book proposals were for non-fiction (wrong) so I felt a little foolish when she requested one. Immediately, I jumped on her agency website, learned how to put together a proposal and worked nonstop for three days on it.

I'm so thankful for my husband, Nic. It's been four weeks since I've submitted and he continues to encourage me by saying, "Patience and persistence."

I would appreciate prayers for God's continued guidance as I seek direction for my novel. I'm not out to make a name for myself or to become rich through my writing. My heart's deepest desire is to use my talents to glorify Him.

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